I am just going to admit it: I don't like autumn (or fall, as some call it). I don't like the cold, I am not impressed by the reddish golden brown leaves that fall to the pavement, and I am depressed by days that are dark by 4 PM. By extension, I also dislike winter, but autumn is the bearer of bad tidings, the earlier show of what is to come and become, so it gets the blame.
The other day I went outside to get the mail and there were raindrops on the driveway. Oh, so small but oh so ominous in their promise, or maybe their threat. The light in the sky was grey.
I am a sun and light lover. I live in shorts and T-shirts all summer long and whenever it is not desperately cold. The climate in Southern California is mild but autumn still has a sting. I went to bed last night for the first time wearing pajama bottoms and a warm nightgown, knowing that the change has begun and I had best be prepared.
December 21 will be a symbolically happy day because from then on the days will be getting progressively longer, though for many months, longer but also rainier, windier, and colder.
I hope you find some wonder and beauty in these gray, short days- as you said, it won't be long 'till they're lengthening again.
I'm with you! I'd rather have the sun. I'm also hating these shorter days we've been having. Makes squeezing in a run after work just that much harder. I'm going to have to start wearing reflective gear and carry a flashlight. Would hate to get run over on my 6th of 7th mile. It'd be a long way to drag myself back if I got injured. Heh...
Running at twilight or in the dark is dangerous indeed. Add COLD to that and it is cruel!
lol you are a little spoiled Lorna.
We live in rain 3/4 of the year.
We enjoy the few weeks we have in summer but the rest of the year is damp.
Fall is a time of color and harvest for most people.It is wonderful time of year to feast your eyes on beauty
only mother nature can provide .
WE also miss having a white christmas so people run up north to feast their eyes on huge puffs of snowflakes by a crackling fireplace.Life is good but if you are unwell then of course you are limited by weather with what you can do.I personally hide from the sun. its not a good sun for most people today for skin cancer. ANYWAY , A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING IS GOOD.
While I do like a little bit of each season, Fall is my favorite. Maybe it's because my birthday, hubby's birthday and our anniversary are during November? Yes, the weather is cool, but at my age (almost 49) I just can't take toooo much heat these days. Breezes are welcome!
I do love the colors of this season, too! Clothes in the brown fields probably looks best on me.... much more than pinks or blues anyway.
I don't like Autumn either. The weather is generally pretty wonderful. It's too bad the sun casts long depressing shadows and as soon as the sun goes down, it's too cold for shirt sleeves and too hot for a coat. Yes the leaves are pretty for awhile and then the world turns every imaginable color of gray.
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