Friday, December 13, 2013

Mother Nature's Winter Favor

It is soon to be December 21, the Winter Solstice, when each succeeding day will be longer than the previous one. This is the one saving grace of Mother Nature. I am a sun lover and miss the daylight at 5pm outside and on June 21, in spite of the long sunshiny days, I feel a regret that from that day forward, the days will be progressively shorter. Until Dec. 21.

I probably feel this so profoundly because I was born and raised in Hawaii.


David Oliver said...

I can relate in a way. I'm not as much a fan of the sun as I am of warmth. I don't mind going to the grocery store when it is dark. I despise going when it is dark and cold.

At 5:00 PM today it was almost dark. Groceries can wait until tomorrow.

DJan said...

I really have more of a hard time with the long days in midsummer, when I have to go to bed with the sun still shining. I like it right around the equinoxes the best! :-)

HermanTurnip said...

I'm really hating these short days. I don't get the chance to see the sun during the day except for lunch, and when I get home it's cold and dark and I can't go out for a run. I'm forced to hit the gym and use the treadmills, which is less than ideal. Can't wait for the days to start getting longer!

HermanTurnip said...

Just a quick note to wish you a very Happy New Year! 2014...look out, here we come! :-)

Lorna said...

Dear Herman

Happy New Year to you as well. Wishing you all my best.

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