Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lumbar medial branch nerve block

Two days ago I went to the surgery center and had a lumbar medial branch nerve block (injections)-- sort of but not exactly like an epidural. I do seem to have a lessening of pain in my lower back today, but totally unexpected is a lack -- or great lessening of -- pain in my legs when I walk up the stairs in my house.

This first set of injections was supposed to be a test to see if they did any good; if yes, then we would continue the series. If no, then we would stop. So since I am getting SOME relief in my back from the injections, and since I am getting lots of unexpected relief in my legs, I am going to vote Yes on continuing.

In case you were interested, the pain in my back is caused by scoliosis.


HermanTurnip said...

Oh no! Here's hoping that you're still experiencing some relief! Having had back surgery myself in the recent past (I have a blog post about it...just search for "mri") I can totally relate to what you're going though, but luckily my situation was correctable. (knock on wood) Do you have to get these shots often?

Lorna said...

To Herman Turnip---
We won't know how often the shots will have to be taken because they have different results on different people. Maybe six months, maybe a year, maybe a year and a half.

Shelly said...

My dad has these shots for his back and while the first made some improvements, the second was amazing in the relief. I hope the same for you-

Lorna said...

To Shelly ---

This is very encouraging news! Thanks! Maybe I will have results like your dad did.

DJan said...

It's always hopeful when there is any relief at all, and that seems to be the case. Glad to hear it, Lorna! Keep us posted as to how this develops. :-)

Lorna said...

To DJan---

You're right! And I am encouraged with every step up the stairs that I take.

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